All Round Set


We are a global network of experts working with clients, communities and colleagues to develop and implement innovative solutions to the world’s most complex challenge.

The EasySelect technology, which houses 12 standard bits in a transparent, rotatable, cylinder. With a push of a button, you will always have the right bit at hand.

5 на залихама

Шифра производа: 3462 Категорија: Ознаке: , , , , , , ,


We remain true to the same principles on which our company was founded over a hundred years ago: providing superior service to our clients, putting safety first, creating opportunities for our people, delivering exceptional work, fostering innovation, acting with integrity, and strengthening our communities. These tenets unite us as one company, and guide every aspect.

Додатне информације

Тежина 45 кг
Димензије 12 × 43 × 13 цм



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